UX/UI roles are in high demand ever since the access to the internet and mobile phones took over the world about 10-15 years ago. For that reason, salaries have seen a sharp increase in the last few years everywhere in the world. The combination of increasing demand and scarcity of talent is the main driver for this. According to some estimates, from a handful of million professionals in 2017, we'll reach 100 of million of UX professionals by 2050.


Graph projected ux professionals growth

Optimistic graph showing a hockeystick-type of growth for UX/UI professionals in the world. Source: Unversity of Denver


In this article we will discuss which UX/UI design profiles are most in demand by companies and how much they earn in Ireland. 

Top 5 jobs in UX/UI and their salaries

Among the most in-demand UX and UI design roles in 2024 we can highlight the following:

1. UX/UI designer

How much does a UX/UI designer earn in Ireland?

Based on data from our Prosperity Recruitment Salary Survey 2024, salaries for a UX/UI designer are:

  • 1 to 3 years of experience - 45,000 and 50,000 euros
  • 3 to 5 years of experience -  50,000 to 60,000 euros
  • 5+ years of experince - 60,000+

You can check here other UX/UI salaries.

What does a UX/UI designer do?

This is the job offer most frequently found on job boards such as LinkedIn or Indeed for this category. The work of a UX/UI designer consists of making computer systems, whether they are applications, websites or software, easy and intuitive for users. The UX designer focuses more on the user experience and the UI designer on the design of the elements. It is often said that they are two roles in one, on the one hand UX and on the other UI, but the reality is that companies demand profiles that are able to operate in both spaces.


Smartphone Design


2. UX Researcher

How much does a UX Researcher earn in Ireland?

Based on The Prosperity's Salary Survey, UX researcher salaries in Ireland are:

  • 1 to 3 years of experience - 50,000 and 60,000 euros
  • 3 to 5 years of experience -  60,000 to 80,000 euros
  • 5+ years of experince - 80,000+

These professionals are even in shorter demand than the general category. Besides the lack in numbers, they need a high degree of specialisation, expertise in different tools and sometimes academic acumen to be able to conduct the kind of research, unbiased and objective, that a company really needs. 

What does a UX/UI designer do?

This profile is in charge of answering two fundamental questions for the company: who are its users, and what do they need, among other tasks, they usually carry out interviews with customers to collect data, sketching and prototyping, and testing to identify patterns and reach conclusions about which design is best suited to the product. To know more about the role, check a job description template here

3. Product Designer

How much does a Product Designer earn in Ireland?

Based on The Prosperity Recruitment Salary Guide, Product design professionals are paid:

  • 1 to 3 years - 55,000 to 65,000 euros
  • 3 to 5 years - 65,000 to 80,000 euros
  • 5+ years - 80,000 to 100,000 euros 

What does a Product Designer do?

The UX Product Designer, or Product Designer, is the profile in charge of creating and designing the style of a product. In many organisations, the person in charge of these functions is the one who directs the projects and serves as a liaison and direction for the rest of the designers, and has an important strategic component. 


Matrix of Product Design Craft

Product Design is one of today's modern disciplines that combine many others, to be proficient at it the person needs to be a season professional in many other areas. Source: Eleken

4. Head of UX

How much does a Head of UX earn in Ireland?

According to the Prosperity recruitment survey for UX roles, the salary for a head of ux can range from:

  • 1 to 3 years of experience- 85,000 to 95,000 euros
  • 3 to 5 years of experience - 95,000 to 110,000 euros
  • 5+ years of experience - + 110,000 euros

What does a Head of UX do?

The Head of UX profile is responsible for developing the UX strategy, coordinating the entire team and assigning tasks, managing the allocated budget and reporting to the company's CEO or corresponding C-Level. It is a leadership role that requires project management skills, mentoring, experience and strategy.

5. UX Writer

How much does a UX Writer earn in Ireland?

According to the Prosperity recruitment survey, salaries in Ireland area for the UX Writer profile are:

  • 1 to 3 years of experience - 40,000 to 50,000 euros
  • 3 to 5 years of experience - 50,00 to 60,000 euros
  • 5+ years of experience - +60,000 euros 

What does a UX Writer do?

This role is responsible for analysing the language to be used to transmit the product or service to the user so that it is understood in a simple and accessible way. He/she is also in charge of creating content and establishing the way in which it is presented to each user.

Differences copywriting vs ex writing

In digital it's crucial to understand the nuances between each professional attributions. Source: Technical Writer

The vacancies in UX/UI design positions we have detailed are increasing every year for a number of reasons. The pandemic has accelerated the famous digital transformation and therefore the need for UX/UI across all industries. On the other hand, the adoption by all types of population segments of mobile, social media and software products means that good user-centric design is necessary so that there are no barriers between the audience and the product. The evolution of the internet is moving towards greater accessibility, and the creation of more attractive, user-friendly products that make the experience of using them enjoyable. This is a reality that demands large-scale UX/UI intervention, hence the need for these profiles.


If you are looking for a job in the digital sector, there is no doubt that UX/UI focused designers have many opportunities in the job market. It is a career in which you will develop technical expertise but at the same time has a very high creative component, more so than in almost all other digital disciplines. If you are looking for a new opportunity in UX/UI design, go to Prosperity and search for job offers on our job board.

Check our blog post on the highest paying jobs in digital. Consider registering to our website to receive the latest job offers on your inbox.